Love and politics were inseparable in the 80s, especially in West Germany, where friends, lovers and families would chant anti-imperialist slogans in endless protest marches. Politics, however, is the last thing on the minds of Ingo and Nadia on this winter weekend in 1983. They've come to Nadia's mountain cabin to discuss – or dissolve – their relationship. But before Ingo can begin to pour out his soul, a rowdy band of holidaymakers suddenly bursts in upon them – all politically active friends of Nadia's brother Knut. Ingo is irritated, but worse is yet to come: Knut has apparently been arrested. As the group debates whether it is politically correct to have fun under such circumstances, Ingo finds himself drifting away from Nadia. Little by little, he is sucked into a community where people's hearts and minds are like strangers without a common language...
很快,外头一阵激烈的狗吠声 ,还有妇人气急败坏的骂声渐渐远去。
2009 年的夏天,上海市郊的一家中餐馆内人潮涌动,客似云来、谈笑风生。原来是为了庆祝一位 18 岁的花季少年毕诺举办的生日宴,毕诺是一个品学兼优、面临高考的学生,毕诺的母亲李丹是名护士长,父亲是名保安队长,还有一个上小学的弟弟毕言。谁也想不到父亲的言语和行动让平日里工作家庭两不误的母亲,竟然选择在一个下午穿上圣洁的白色连衣裙,慢慢走上了自己单位医院的天台,仰望着天空,慢慢打开双臂,往下纵身一跃,结束了生命。正值学校高三期末考,毕诺的位子空空如也,班级里的一切正一如既往的进行中,一间舞蹈房内,舞者们正在如火如荼的排练着舞蹈《同林鸟》。毕诺漫无目的来到了父亲毕强的单位保安亭......
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