Grammy-winning artist Sam Smith gives an intimate, soulful performance at the iconic Abbey Road Studios featuring songs from their third album Love Go...
Vasiliy Lébedev was a young peasant from Crimea who decided to go to Siberia to work in a coal mine. With his sense of opportunity, his lack of scruples and taking advantage of the end of Perestroika, he quickly landed a position at the helm of one of the most important Power Plants in Siberia. After the fall of the old USSR-and thanks to his own cunning-he became the sole owner of the Power Plant and of one of the largest coal deposits in Russia, amassing an immense fortune. An introverted character and lover of the paranormal sciences, he travelled constantly, obsessed with finding clues about the existence of"UFOs" and portals to the"beyond". On one of his last trips to the US, he bought a performance by a German artist, the artist himself and his coyote (an indispensible part of the piece), only to then transport them secretly and illegally to Russia and lock them up in a warehouse outside his now defunct Power Plant in Siberia. After the death of Vasiliy, the artist is still ...
谭贺是一个建材公司老板,也是一个典型的“朝三暮四”的花心大萝卜。和谭贺同居的,是他的女友姚蓝,姚蓝性格温婉,在家为谭贺做饭,打扫,对谭贺的打骂逆来顺受。在外面甜言蜜语不断的,是谭贺的情人金佳丽,金佳丽性格强势,气场十足,处处想控制谭贺。 同时,金佳丽的父亲也是建材方面的老板,他们感情的维持,对谭贺的生意也有着莫大的帮助。 一次偶然的机会,谭贺在游泳的时候邂逅了他自己“再一次”的真爱——云梦。为了追求云梦, 谭贺把给金佳丽的钻戒送给了云梦;为了追求云梦,谭贺常常彻夜不归,使得家里的女友姚蓝独 守空房。 就这样,谭贺在这三个女人之间盘旋着,自以为顺风顺水,一切都在掌握之中。谁料,云梦在得到谭贺的钱后耍起了消失。这时,谭贺才知道,原来这是闺蜜为了对付他而设的一个局…
清朝乾隆年间,直隶总督董文魁被革职发配,走投无路的女儿娟子被郑板桥收留。在旅馆住宿时,绑匪将娟子劫持,卖给了红月楼当歌妓。 大将军赵军齐派小儿子赵宝麟找郑板桥等人为自己题字做画。一个偶然的机会,赵宝麟遇见娟子,用重金买下了她。 郑板桥和他的画友来到赵府,巧妙地救出了娟子。赵宝麟在追捕娟子时不慎溺水身亡。董文魁因戴罪立功而被乾隆皇帝擢升为江南道台。父女终于得以团聚。
电影《千博士驱魔研究所》改编自同名网漫,讲述虽然听不到鬼,但凭借鬼般的洞察力解决各种事件的假驱魔师"千博士"(姜栋元 饰)受到从未经历过的强烈附身事件的委托而开始的故事。《千博士驱魔研究所》由制作了《老手》《Exit》《摩加迪沙》的外柔内刚公司制作,这也是曾担任《分手的决心》《寄生虫》《惟愿从邪恶中...
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